A Trending Schoolbag would Have Been Nice

In Secret Thunder, I described how my alter ego, little Dee, wakes up early on the morning after being punished for attempting to exert her rights to her own identity at school on the previous day, and attempts to get back to the scene of the previous day's misfortune. The bag that she carried would have been a humble satchel, not the stylish backpacks of today. In fact, when I was writing the story, I didn't even think about the bag, much less care about how trendy it was, for my character was no that type of child. All she wanted to to prove her point, that she was capable of asserting herself, that she needed to let her own secret thunder! But even for that fictional character, a trending schoolbag would have been nice! With regard to back-to-school supplies for your kids, let me hope that they have at least a small input into what they get to take with them to school.